Friday, April 10, 2009

Betty: the second coming

Not two months ago did I drop my faithful Betty off to the caprices of her next owner. It is therefore with solemn anticipation that I look to her successor...who officially arrived on the market this week. Sorry Betty I, for my fickle loyalty. Betty II, see you in a year or so, I hope.


Unknown said...

uh, what happened to the Volvo or VW Tiguan?

Tramps Abroad... said...

Volvo and Tiguan were too expensive....Betty is much more eco-friendly, too :)

Three Four said...

ooh-oh Black Betty wham-a-damn...

Unknown said...

is it me, or does the re-incarnation of Betty look a tad smaller. What is it? A Golf? Polo? Golo? Polf?

Unknown said...

You cannot stop black Betty, you can only hope to contain her! Just remember Vulva drivers are NERDS, and that Tiguan is being boosted by very clever marketing.