If this doesn't make you want to enroll your kids in Chinese classes...
...I'm not sure what will. This is a campaign that has been launched by the Promote Mandarin Council. Those who value linguistic diversity may not agree with the goal of the campaign; those who enjoy cute commercials won't care. These kids are impressive, and make me wish my brain cells hadn't hardened around red-neck English and a bit of High German.
In Memory of Bernard Cameron
9 years ago
Big Dog, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of Kai switching back and forth between languages.
We were at the playground recently and Kai was at the top of a tube slide while another young fellow was at the bottom. Kai was yelling, "ma-MA sha" down the tube. The other fellow replied, "why are you saying "ma-MA sha?" To which Kai replied with more vigor, "MA-MA SHA!"
Don't ask me what that means. I can only translate half his words (those which are not baby Mandarin).
You want the five "Speak Chinese" CD"s I've had in my in-dash CD player for the last year for your commute to work? I could only get thru Chapter One's : "Five Rudimentary Tones of Chinese" and then all my brain cells tumbled out my left nostril onto the steering wheel.
ok, that is too cute.
You gotta love neural platicity! Perry, your axons are as hard as molasses in January!....good luck w/ Mandarin.
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